RSP V2 Changelog

Version Changes
2.15.0 Firmware Version 2.15.0


[RLCON-21] - Enhanced post-update retention of device-firmware channels in the Backend.
[RLCON-33] - Resolved issue with mail delivery to all users from the backend.
[RLCON-58] - Fixed a bug in the VPN login process.
[RLCON-59] - Addressed a critical bug hindering backup functionality.
[RLCON-63] - Corrected issues with country code entry during registration.
[RLCON-85] - Improved VPN-client configuration for enhanced 3rd party device compatibility.
[RLCON-107] - Updated device list for full compatibility with new RA70 firmware.


[RLCON-68] [RLCON-69] - Eliminated redundant FlexEdge features and refined FlexEdge integration.
[RLCON-76] [RLCON-98] - Implemented internal system optimizations.
[RLCON-92] - Implemented mbWEB2go updates and fixes, including support for TLS 1.3.
2.14.4-00100 Patch Version 2.14.4-00100

[RLCON-60] - Resolved Problem during Access to Device Dashboards

Including Patch Version 2.14.3-00100

[RLCON-22] - Resolved an issue where users connected via the Remote-Client-Software would be disconnected if the same user attempted to log in from a different location.
[RLCON-26] - Fixed a bug preventing the Recidive Jail in Fail2Ban from initializing after a backup restoration.
[RLCON-32] - Addressed an error in Fail2Ban where sending emails would result in a failure message.

[RLCON-19] - Implemented automatic cipher detection for device connections, tailored to the firmware in use.
[RLCON-20] - Rolled out software updates to enhance performance and security.
[RLCON-50] - Added Verizon APN to the supported list for improved network compatibility