Release Notes / Changelog

Version Changes
8-1-0 Bug
[RA70-159] - Modem controller script is not robust against unexpected responses
[RA70-169] - Diagnosis tool TCPDUMP can't be executed
[RA70-170] - OpenVPN connection can't be established if static key is used
[RA70-171] - Replacing the senders ip address of the client with the LAN ip address with OpenVPN connection doesn't work
[RA70-174] - Multiple OpenVPN ciphers aren't supported any more
[RA70-175] - Frontend-Modal to enter backup key for mbEDGE is not displayed
[RA70-230] - MPI service can't be started any more after factory reset
[RA70-233] - If VPN port is determined automatically, port 1194 is always closed

[RA70-160] - Enable GPS localization of RA70 devices with Telit GSM modules
[RA70-172] - Provide GPS information in DATA24
[RA70-166] - Port legacy gpio interface to descriptor based interface for MPI driver
8-0-2 Bug
[RA70-164] - Web-GUI does not show all device-specific changes for HW6
[RA70-165] - Restoring device configuration on Web-GUI does not work in any case
8-0-1 Bug
[RA70-161] - SimplyConnect service does not start on devices with firmware 8.0.0
[RA70-162] - Remove option that is not supported anymore when starting system daemons